On this page you can support Journey with Jesus with a one-time gift, a recurring monthly donation, or a gift of stock.

The Journey with Jesus weekly webzine is supported entirely by gifts from individuals and churches. Your donations enable this site to remain free to readers in more than 200 countries.

Gifts may be made online via Patreon, PayPal, or by check. As a tax-exempt, non-profit corporation (EIN #20-1075265), all donations are tax-deductible in the United States.

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Recurring monthly support may be made via JWJ's creator page at Patreon.

Checks should be made payable to The Journey with Jesus Foundation and mailed to:

The Journey with Jesus Foundation,
P.O. Box 60781
Palo Alto, CA 94306,
You can also support Journey with Jesus through a gift of stock. To make a gift of stock you should submit a transfer form to your brokerage. Our information is as follows:

The Journey with Jesus Foundation
6695 Red Deer St
San DiegoCA 92122-2526

Vanguard Brokerage Account #11814629
DTC #0062
JwJ Tax ID #20-1075265

Please notify us of any incoming donations so that we can ensure you are properly acknowledged for your contribution.

Thank you for your support.